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Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2016-08-06

Virus description added:

Technical Information

To ensure autorun and distribution:
Creates the following services:
  • [<HKLM>\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\xhgjjybfyzjnyl] 'ImagePath' = '%ProgramFiles%\fstyfgpkmx\mkmdhhqm.exe -mdqscdhczsraw'
  • [<HKLM>\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\xhgjjybfyzjnyl] 'Start' = '00000002'
Malicious functions:
Executes the following:
  • '<SYSTEM32>\taskkill.exe' /im egui.exe /f
  • '<SYSTEM32>\taskkill.exe' /im ekrn.exe /f
  • '<Current directory>\fix.exe'
  • '<SYSTEM32>\cmd.exe' /c <Current directory>\1470496423.txt.bat
  • '<SYSTEM32>\sc.exe' config ekrn start= disabled
Terminates or attempts to terminate
the following user processes:
  • ekrn.exe
Modifies file system:
Creates the following files:
  • <Current directory>\fix.exe
  • %ProgramFiles%\fstyfgpkmx\mkmdhhqm.exe
  • <Current directory>\1470496423.txt
  • <Current directory>\1470496423.txt.bat
Sets the 'hidden' attribute to the following files:
  • %ProgramFiles%\fstyfgpkmx\mkmdhhqm.exe
  • <Current directory>\fix.exe
Deletes the following files:
  • <Current directory>\1470496423.txt
Network activity:
Connects to:
  • '58.#9.58.27':443
Searches for the following windows:
  • ClassName: '' WindowName: ''
  • ClassName: 'Shell_TrayWnd' WindowName: ''
  • ClassName: 'DRBHUYLTRXJRO' WindowName: 'pfhpgaxdbwzug'